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Arch Linux (or Arch) is an operating system that is designed to be lightweight and simple. Distro developers design approach focuseson simplicity, elegance, correctness and minimalism program."Simplicity" is defined as "... no need for additional, modifications,or complications .." appropriate developer's point of view rather than the user's perspective.
Inspired by CRUX, a minimalist distro another, Judd Vinet startedArch Linux project in March 2002. Vinet led the project until October 1, 2007, when he stepped down due to lack of time, and submit a project under the supervision of Aaron Griffin. Arch Linux ispronounced [ɑ ː rt] or [a ː t] (as in the word archer or parchment).
Archlinux is a binary-distribution, which means that applicationpackages are distributed in binary form / compiled, unlike Gentoowhich distributes packets in source code form.
Unlike the big distros like Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu etc., Arch Linuxdoes not make the release schedule for specific dates, but uses asystem of "rolling releases", by providing new packages every day.Its package management system allows users to update the systemwith ease.
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