Kororaa Fedora Linux is Linux based with the addition of codecs, drivers, and customizable applications in it, so Kororaa linux can be directly used by both the general public as well as by users who are familiar with Linux.
The main purpose of Linux Kororaa is to provide a complete operating system for everyday wear to work, with great ease.
Linux community Kororaa Indonesia
Kororaa Indonesia linux community can be accessed on the website http://kororaa.linux-id.net
whereas in the Official Kororaa https://kororaa.org
Linux Korora 16 (code: Chum) has been released!
Can be downloaded at the Download Center
Its main features include:
Tweaked KDE 4.7, GNOME 3.2 and base systems
Third party repositories (Adobe, Chrome, RPMFusion, VirtualBox)
8 as the default Firefox web browser (with the integration theme for KDE)
Included Firefox extensions (Adblock Plus, DownThemAll, Flashblock, Xclear)
Microblogging client (Choqok for KDE, Empathy for GNOME)
Full multimedia support (excluding Flash, see next)
The installer for Adobe Flash plugin
Jockey device manager to handle Such drivers as AMD / ATI and NVIDIA
Video editor (Kdenlive for KDE, OpenShot for GNOME)
VLC as the default media player
SELinux enabled (particularly worthwhile for Flash)
English (Australian / British) support & dictionaries