The basic commands used in Linux is as follows:
A. ls: browse active directory
example: debian :/ # cd / root
debian :/ root # ls-à displays the contents of the root directory
2. cat: a look at the overall
example: debian :/ # cat [filename]
3. more: displays the contents of the file per layer
example: debian :/ # more [filename]
4. tail: display last ten lines
example: debian :/ # tail [filename]
5. less: look at the contents of the file but can discroll
example: debian :/ # less [filename]
6. cp: copy a file
example: debian :/ # cp file1 / home - à copy file1 from the root to the home directory
7. mv: move the file
example: debian :/ # mv file1 / home
8. rm: delete the file
example: debian :/ # rm [filename]
9. mkdir: create a directory
example: debian :/ # mkdir [nama_direktori]
10. rmdir: removing directory
example: debian :/ # rmdir [nama_direktori]
11. cd: change directories
example: debian :/ # cd root-à moved to the root directory
thanks for your information,,,