Linux Mint 12 were present with tampilan the desktop just, was built with used Gnome3 and MGSE. MGSE (Mint Gnome Shell Extensions) was tampilan the layer of the desktop to Gnome 3 that enabled you to use Gnome 3 in the traditional method. You could deactivate all the components in MGSE to get tampilan Gnome 3, or Andadapat activated all fitur him to get tampilan the Gnome Desktop 3 that was similar with tampilan that normally is used by you. You were free decisive tampilan the Desktop in accordance with your appetite
Fitur main in MGSE was:
- The panel bawah
- the Menu aplikasi
- The window list
- A task-centric desktop
- Visible system tray icons
MGSE also included the extension of the addition like the indicator of the media player, and various increases as well as the increase for Gnome 3.
Linux Mint 12 desktops were the mixture of tampilan dekstop Linux Mint old and new. This more resembled tampilan the new desktop but with the long component. New technology from Gnome3 with the component that dikontribusikan by MGSE made the user feel comfortable used him. Linux Mint 12, like the release beforehand, and although using Gnome 3 were still continuing to put forward the impression familiar for his loyal user with tampilan the length. You could undertake the application from the menu in left low, and was able easily to switch to between the application and the office using Window List or Shortcut in keyboard, and you too could supervise the notification for you and accessed fitur Gnome 3 in the left corner upper.
Linux Mint 12 had fitur just, that is two themes of Mint-Z and Mint-Z-dark that was made be based on Mint-X and Zukitwo. Linux Mint was suitable for the user of the Desktop mainstream that needed the ease as well as tampilan the desktop that was interesting with the good application support, especially for you the new user Os Linux or just migrated from OS Windows. If you were interested using him you could mendownload here
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