KDE was (K Desktop Environment) was some of Windows the Manager must in the based operation system of UNIX. Pembuatan of the application that went in KDE follow the standard antarmuka that was friendly and efficient for his user. KDE was an application of the desktop environment for Unix's based operation system (including Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD and all the rest). His function was to reduce the use command line that possibly too complicated for the user who was lay in Unix's based operation system, so as his operation semudah operated the desktop in Windows's environment and MacOS. KDE this contained full graphic and needed the big memory.
The surplus from Linux KDE with Gnome
1.KDE oriented in tampilan graphic shg tampilan him was prettier than GNOME that too much "was" not interested "big in tampilan although also did not ignore him completely"
2. GNOME more frugal the memory than KDE, so as the GNOME performance relative faster than KDE (this possibly krn GNOME was not oriented in graphic but rather to memory saving).
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